City Dental Logo

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Contact Details
09 919 2660

Mon - Thurs: 8:00am - 8:00pm
Fri: 8:00am - 2:00pm

New Clients

You. Unique. DNA. History. Experience. We hear you.


Your story, your desires are important to us.

A New, Confident Smile? As New Zealand’s only Digital Smile Design Clinic, we’d be happy to discuss your options using digital technology – precise, seamless and comfortable.  Talk to us about affordable options for a stunning smile.

Reassurance and Checkup? You’ve come to a practice that prides itself on the most thorough dental examination in Auckland – Your Dental Fingerprint.  Many of our patients say they have never had such a complete, and fully explained perspective and a plan that is flexible and considerate of their personal circumstances.

Dental Emergency?  We’ll see you promptly, comfortably and quickly.

Treatment? We’ll be happy to meet your needs and will communicate clearly about your options, costs and staging of care.

Second Opinion or General Consultation?  We would be delighted to help. Contact our front desk team to discuss your needs and we will be happy to schedule a time to suit.


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Digital Smile Design

Creating Customised Smiles 

Digital Smile Design (DSD) involves the patient in the restorative or smile enhancement process, making them the co-designer of their own treatment.   Our patients share their objectives, expressing their desires and expectations with us as we gather digital records.  We can complete a simple 2D simulation to help analyse the smile and provide a starting point for discussion.  From there, patients usually elects to move to a 3D analysis and mock-up to preview the smile and bite possibilities.

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Your First Appointment: You're In The Driving Seat

Our role is to guide, inform, advise.  Comprehensive and thorough, our initial visit for new clients is an hour long.  It takes time to know you, and carry out a thorough assessment of your current condition.  Our end game is to help you keep your teeth for life, where possible, and minimise the amount of dental care you will need over a lifetime. That point may take some time to reach if you come from a high risk starting point… we’ll help you along that path and consider our responsibility one of partnership with you.

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We don't believe in obstacles...

No challenge is insurmountable and with the right focus, consistent effort and applied intent, in time they will be overcome. We'll be your committed champion for your best oral health outcome.


Flexible Opening Hours

Enjoy dentistry after-hours or on Saturdays


Referral Programme

Refer a friend and earn Smile Credits.


Corporate Discounts

We offer a discount on all treatment except Invisalign and implants for corporate clients on the Lumino list of corporate relationships.