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Contact Details
09 919 2660

Mon - Thurs: 8:00am - 8:00pm
Fri: 8:00am - 2:00pm

Your First Appointment

A comprehensive guide to your first appointment. What can you expect?

We’re Delighted To Meet You

Your first appointment.  A warm smile, a handshake, a welcome from our capable team.  Experience the City Dental welcome as a guest and friend in our modern office at your first appointment.  We look forward to meeting you and hosting you as part of the City Dental patient family.

Getting to Know You

We suggest arriving a few minutes early to complete some important documentation that gives a candid view of your medical and dental history.  Taking time to understand your concerns, in a relaxed environment, is an important starting point for our future relationship.  Your concerns are important to us.

Clinical Examination

We combine research, evidence  and experience to carry out an in-depth assessment of your entire mouth.  We’ll focus on your priority need, as well as the mouth as a whole. Our approach is very visual – you’ll see digital technology throughout your appointment.  We take a longevity and risk based approach to diagnosis: What has caused dental disease for you? Is it still active?  What do we need to do to turn your risk around?

X-rays & Scans

Your first appointment may involve x-rays to see things we can’t see with the naked eye. We use low dose digital x-rays. We also use a 3D video scanner to capture models of your teeth which we can view together on a screen.  An integral part of our complete assessment, they build a layer-on-layer view of your oral health.

Oral Health Markers

Our patients say they have never had such a detailed examination in their first appointment.  We standardise our process, and look at all critical areas that influence the condition and future of your teeth, smile and ability to chew. Oral cancer screening, bite/chewing/tooth wear patterns, gum disease risk, propensity to decay, the strength of individual teeth – these are assessed as a part and sum of a whole.  The result is a personalised report – a unique assessment of your health.


A series of photographs is an important record of your oral condition which helps us to plan treatments and helps you visualise what is going on in your mouth. We do a short photoshoot with standard photographs that we need for diagnosis.  Comfortable and informative, we share the knowledge from these images in our discussion.

Formulating Your Personalised Plan

Dentistry is now regarded as precision medicine – personalised care that is customised and prioritised.  Once we have had a chance to understand your dental needs and condition together, we will sit down with you to and create a treatment plan together. This plan will be different for every patient as we know every patient is unique. If your needs are a bit more complex we may not complete this at your first appointment.  A second discussion, after evaluating your case, may be required.  We do this in-person or by Zoom.