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09 919 2660

Mon - Thurs: 8:00am - 8:00pm
Fri: 8:00am - 2:00pm

NZ’s Only Official DSD Clinic

We now operate NZ's Only Official DSD Clinic. Read about the journey.

DSD Concepts in Analogue

For many years we have planned beautiful smiles using analogue techniques.  Our methodology, for designing natural smiles and improving bite and function, has been very successful.  We gathered data from our patients, created lines and references and our lab copied this create a harmonious result. We went from 2D to 3D with great success.  However expanding technologies opened the door to even greater precision, convenience and predictability for our patients.

The Introduction of DSD to Lumino City Dental

In 2011, Dr Andrea Shepperson was attending a dental meeting in Europe and heard Dr. Christian Coachman speak about digital techniques to create even better results.  Dr. Coachman is the co-founder of Digital Smile Design (DSD), introducing digital tools to refine and perfect planning with high levels of visibility and accuracy.

We invited Dr. Coachman to visit our office in 2013. DSD was implemented and we continue to embrace changes in technology.  These now include digital scanning, 3D design, 3D printing of planning components, face scanning and copying nature with 3D scans.



Why Digital?

Digital technology allows information about design to overlap, be exported and imported and transferred via the cloud.  Global information sharing with dental experts, specialists and technicians creates a dynamic engagement and more accurate results.  We can plan every dimension of the case on a computer screen, then 3D print many parts.  Modern lab technology allows to print or mill just about any material with precision.

Becoming A DSD Clinic

We signed the DSD Clinic agreement in November 2017 with DSD Global, becoming the first office in NZ to be delivering a full DSD digital protocol.


The invitation to be officially recognised comes after an extensive audit of procedures and implementation of a digital protocol.

Dr Shepperson became a DSD Master in 2014 and was invited to teach DSD as a member of the global DSD Instructor community in 2014.  She speaks about and teaches other dentists the digital protocol.

All three of our clinicians are trained in the DSD protocol and would be happy to help you.