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Veneers to Correct Peg Teeth

Emma Benn Clear  e

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Small peg teeth diminished a beautiful natural smile

“Sometimes lateral incisors develop as small peg teeth and affect the harmony created by teeth with natural proportions.  Our patient wanted a simple, long term solution to improve the size and position of these small teeth ” Dr Andrea Shepperson

Treatment Timeline

  • Digital scanning to record tooth form
  • Digital Smile Design (DSD) to determine ideal tooth position.
  • Production of a 3D printed model with new tooth shapes and duplication in the mouth as a Mock Up for approval.
  • Minimal preparation, preserving as much natural tooth as possible, for 2 porcelain veneers.
  • Milling of two porcelain veneers in IPS e.max – one of the strongest and most chameleon-like ceramics in the world.
  • Cementation of the finished result

Pre-Treatment Views

These images of our patient’s existing peg teeth show the malposition and size discrepancy of her teeth in relation to the other front teeth.

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The Digital Smile Design Protocol

Digital Smile Design (DSD) allows us to use digital technology to plan a precise and emotional transformation that is in harmony with the patient’s face.  We use “Smile In Motion” analysis with smartphone video capture as our patient reacts spontaneously, allowing complete analysis of the new smile and surrounding lips and face.

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Digital Technology

Using Digital Scanning and Digital Smile Design, we created a virtual mockup of our patient’s new smile.

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The Emotional MockUp

This is the chance to preview a smile before we commence treatment.  By now we have co–authored the smile with our patient and the photos and video of the mockup are always exciting to see.

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Final Result

Matching teeth in the front of the mouth is challenging – use of a chameleon-like ceramic, custom stained and glazed, produces an excellent shade blend.  In this case we used IPS e.max for strength and beauty.  We work closely with our ceramists until we have the perfect result.

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