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Implant Crown Replacement


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An upcoming wedding highlighted a mismatch with an old implant crown. 

“Our patient came to see me about replacing an implant crown at the front of her smile.  It just didn’t fit with the rest of her teeth.  It was too bright, the wrong shape and stuck out in relation to her other front tooth.  She had a very special day coming up – her wedding day – when all women want to look their best.  We discussed removing the old crown and supporting abutment and custom designing a new tooth that would be undetectable in relation to her other front tooth.  The result was outstanding – perfect form, colour and position, thanks to great teamwork with my ceramist Brad Grobler. ” Dr Andrea Shepperson

Treatment Timeline

  • Digital Smile Design (DSD) to determine ideal tooth position.
  • Removal of the existing crown and re-design of the supporting titanium abutment.
  • Construction of a temporary crown to test the new shape  and gum contours.
  • Construction of a new crown and try in for colour and shape refinement.
  • Cementation of the finished result

Pre-Treatment Views

These images of Jocelyns existing implant crown show the malposition of her tooth in relation to the other front tooth. We didn’t know whether we could get the old supporting abutment unscrewed from the implant.  Unfortunately it wouldn’t come free so we had to re-prepare the underlying titanium abutment into a new position to allow construction of the ideal shape.

Front Tooth Crown mismatched in the smile.

Front Tooth Crown mismatched in the smile.

1 2

Matching a single front tooth in the midline is the hardest thing to do in dentistry, and particularly if it is an implant crown. It takes several additional appointments to check contour and modify shade. We work closely with our local ceramist Brad Grobler until we have the perfect result.

The final result is a stunning new crown, in perfect harmony with her face and smile.  The two front teeth are symmetrical, in terms of position, colour, gum height and shape.


Symmetry and harmony created by a new crown.