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Contact Details
09 919 2660

Mon - Thurs: 8:00am - 8:00pm
Fri: 8:00am - 2:00pm

Love your smile.

Regarded by patients as the best dentist in Auckland CBD.
Great service, innovation, and pain-free dentistry at
NZ's only Digital Smile Design Clinic.

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NZ's Only Digital Smile Design Clinic

Lumino City Dental at Quay Park is New Zealand’s only Digital Smile Design Clinic – a global brand of dentists with a commitment to excellence.  Dentistry is becoming increasingly digital.  You’ll find us at the forefront of technology and experience digital in many ways.  Why is this important?  It helps us communicate with our patients, referring specialist or medical colleagues, and our ceramists who make custom restorations for your mouth.

Digital Smile Design adds precision, predictability and accuracy in all of our work, delivering emotional experiences for patients whose lives are transformed by our work.

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We look at the big picture.

Digital.  Transformative.  Your dental longevity and smile assured. Our skill is to see beyond just teeth.  Our focus is on practical, long term strategies to help our patients retain their teeth, minimising expenditure and preserving tooth structure.  

Regardless of your age and oral health needs, we’ll carry out the most thorough, complete look at your mouth – a full mouth assessment and plan for health that caters to you as individual and fits with your lifestyle.  Many patients regard this as the most thorough dental examination they have experienced and describe Lumino City Dental at Quay Park as the best dentist in Auckland CBD.

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Our Difference

How to summarise our difference? We know you’re making an investment and we want it to last.   All of our clinicians have critical decision making capability – the ability to offer pragmatic, problem solving skills and provide solutions from transitional through to lasting outcomes in oral health and dental materials.  By aiming for longevity we choose materials that will meet your needs over many years, and review of your oral health as a continuum,  We offer a truly inter-disciplinary approach – an in-house solution for all aspects of dentistry, simple and complex.    Find out what your unique dental fingerprint says about your oral health risks.

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New Clients

Everyone deserves to choose the care that best meets their needs. We have created options to satisfy the needs of all patients. Select the option that most suits you.

Reassurance and Checkup? You’ve come to a practice that prides itself on the most thorough dental examination in Auckland – Your Dental Fingerprint.  Many of our patients say they have never had such a complete, and fully explained perspective and a plan that is flexible and considerate of their personal circumstances.

Dental Emergency?  We’ll see you promptly, comfortably and quickly.

Treatment? We’ll be happy to meet your needs and will communicate clearly about your options, costs and staging of care.

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We don't believe in obstacles...

No challenge is insurmountable and with the right focus, consistent effort and applied intent, in time they will be overcome. We'll be your committed champion for your best oral health outcome.