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Smile Rejuvenation


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I love to celebrate the inherent beauty in all women and this case is one of my favourites.

Time had taken its toll on our lovely patients smile. Our patient decided it was time to rejuvenate her smile for a fresh, healthier look. We used Digital Smile Design (DSD) to plan her case from start to finish. The result is precision planning and stunning outcomes.

Working together to understand her desires, we created a drop dead gorgeous smile, using IPS e.max ceramic crowns and veneers.

Treatment Timeline

  • Deprogramming to find a new stable bite.
  • Digital scanning to record tooth form
  • Digital Smile Design  to determine ideal tooth position.
  • Production of a 3D printed model with new tooth shapes and duplication in the mouth as a Mock Up for approval.
  • Rebuilding bottom teeth to increase face height with composite and porcelain restorations.
  • Minimal preparation, preserving as much natural tooth as possible, for 10 porcelain veneers and crowns on worn upper teeth.
  • Cementation of the finished result


Val before
val after

10 porcelain veneers and crowns on worn upper teeth.

DSC before
DSC after

Pre-Treatment View

The 3D Mockup: A Smile “Test Drive”

Using Digital Smile Design’s unique protocol, our patient was given the chance to actually test drive her smile before committing to the treatment.

This appointment provided information and clarity about the number of teeth we needed to treat, any additional treatments needed to give the best result, and the materials we will use.

Post Treatment

Beautiful ceramic restorations were crafted to restore the 10 upper teeth.  The result is stunning, and these are hard wearing, very durable materials. To find out more about how long veneers last and the different materials available, please view this blog.

If you or anyone you know would like help with your smile, please complete our Patient Enquiry.  We would be delighted to discuss how Digital Smile Design can help you.